CDDIS Data Caster User Registration

NOTE: Before completing and submitting this form, you MUST FIRST create an account with our colleagues at Earthdata. If you already have an account with Earthdata, complete and submit the form and include your Earthdata username. If you do not yet have an Earthdata account; create one and return to this page to complete and submit the form.

You will NOT be able to use the Data Caster until you have an Earthdata account AND you are contacted by CDDIS staff after submitting the form below.

Required fields are denoted by an asterisk (*)

Questions or problems should be directed to the CDDIS caster help desk.


User Information
Username must be between 4 and 30 characters and contain only letters, numbers, the underscore ("_") and the dot ("."). It cannot contain any blank spaces. It cannot begin, end or contain two consecutive special characters( . _ )

Use only numbers, parentheses, the dash (-), the dot (.) and the plus sign (+). NOTE: The plus sign (+) can only be used at the beginning such as in (+44) or +44

If "Other", please specify

Data Caster Application

The CDDIS real-time data caster is provided freely to all users. By completing this registration and/or using the Service, the Subscriber agrees to accept the Service as is, and also acknowledges that the CDDIS makes no assurances, implied or otherwise, for the accuracy or availability of the Service. The Subscriber also accepts that the Service can have outages and degradations in accuracy and that these events can render the Service unsuitable for any use. The Subscriber shall indemnify, defend and hold the CDDIS and its affiliates harmless from any loss or damage resulting from any claim by any person relating to the data services provided under this agreement.

You will have access to the number of streams you have requested within one business day. If you still do not have access after that, or if you have any problems in the future, please send an email to